Language Of Mathematics Pdf Download
Vocabulary understanding is a major contributor to overall comprehension in many content areas including mathematics. Effective methods for teaching vocabulary in all content areas are diverse and long standing. The importance of teaching and learning the language of mathematics is vital for the development of mathematical proficiency. Students' mathematical vocabulary learning is a very important part of their language development and ultimately mathematical proficiency. This article draws upon currently available research-based evidence to provide a: (a) rationale for teaching vocabulary, (b) review of research that supports the importance of teaching mathematics vocabulary, and (c) description of specific strategies to teach mathematics vocabulary. Implications and the need for future research are also addressed.
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Reading & Writing Quarterly
Overcoming Learning Difficulties
ISSN: 1057-3569 (Print) 1521-0693 (Online) Journal homepage:
The Language of Mathematics: The Importance of
Teaching and Learning Mathematical Vocabulary
Paul J. Riccomini, Gregory W. Smith, Elizabeth M. Hughes & Karen M. Fries
To cite this article: Paul J. Riccomini, Gregory W. Smith, Elizabeth M. Hughes & Karen M. Fries
(2015) The Language of Mathematics: The Importance of Teaching and Learning Mathematical
Vocabulary, Reading & Writing Quarterly, 31:3, 235-252, DOI: 10.1080/10573569.2015.1030995
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Published online: 08 May 2015.
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The Language of Mathematics: The
Importance of Teaching and Learning
Mathematical Vocabulary
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York, USA
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina, USA
Vocabulary understanding is a major contributor to overall
comprehension in many content areas, including mathematics. Effec-
tive methods for teaching vocabulary in all content areas are diverse
and long standing. Teaching and learning the language of mathemat-
ics is vital for the development of mathematical proficiency. Students'
mathematical vocabulary learning is a very important part of their lan-
guage development and ultimately mathematical proficiency. This arti-
cle draws on current research-based evidence to (a) provide a rationale
for teaching vocabulary, (b) offer a review of research that supports the
importance of teaching mathematics vocabulary, and (c) describe
specific strategies for teaching mathematics vocabulary. It also
addresses implications and the need for future research.
Developing the language of mathematics is an essential aspect of teaching
mathematics to young children; this process continues throughout an
individual's mathematics education. Because the understanding of
Gregory W. Smith is now at The University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, MS.
Address correspondence to Paul J. Riccomini, Department of Education Psychology,
Counseling, and Special Education, The Pennsylvania State University, 214 CEDAR, University
Park, PA 16802, USA. E-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Reading & Writing Quarterly, 31: 235–252, 2015
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1057-3569 print=1521-0693 online
DOI: 10.1080/10573569.2015.1030995
Downloaded by [Duquesne University] at 12:44 29 October 2015
mathematical vocabulary affords access to concepts, mathematical instruction in
the areas of language is imperative (Monroe, 1998 ). The term language is
defined as ''the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them
used and understood by a community'' (''Language,'' 2013 ). Although this defi-
nition simplifies a rather complex idea, it highlights the importance of vocabu-
lary development within language. Specifically, in relationship to the language
of mathematics, the ability to use words (i.e., vocabulary) to explain, justify, and
otherwise communicate mathematically is important to the overall development
of mathematical proficiency. In addition, research shows that language is a
pivotal component of mathematics success (Seethaler, Fuchs, Star, & Bryant,
2011), and a student's general knowledge of mathematical vocabulary can
predict mathematical performance (van der Walt, 2009 ).
Proficiency in mathematics depends on a continuous growth and blend of
intricate combinations of critical component skills such as concepts,
procedures, algorithms, computation, problem solving, and language
(Riccomini, Sanders, & Jones, 2008 ). The National Research Council (2001 )
further described proficiency through five interconnected strands: (a) under-
standing mathematics, (b) computing fluently, (c) applying concepts to solve
problems, (d) reasoning logically, and (e) engaging and communicating with
mathematics. Clearly, the importance of students learning the language of
mathematics is highlighted in both descriptions. In addition, the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2006) placed an emphasis on language
development through the adaptive reasoning strand, which the National
Research Council (2001 ) described as the ''capacity for logical thought, reflec-
tion, explanation, and justification'' (p. 116). Mathematical proficiency includes
the ability to communicate and reason through written and spoken language.
Further emphasis on the importance of language in the development
of mathematical proficiency is evident in the newly formed Common Core
State Standards in Mathematics (CCSSM; National Governors Association
Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010).
In addition to the comprehensive set of grade-level standards described
in the CCSSM, there are eight Standards for Mathematical Practice that have
clearly embedded the importance of language to mathematical proficiency.
The language focus is described in the sixth Standard for Mathematical
Practice, ''Attend to precision,'' which includes the following description:
''In the elementary grades, students give carefully formulated explanations
to each other. By the time they reach high school they have learned to
examine claims and make explicit use of definitions'' (p. 7). Undoubtedly,
language development and specifically vocabulary are now new points of
emphasis and important aspects for teachers to begin to address as per
the newly adopted CCSSM.
Although the language of mathematics can be confusing (Rubenstein
& Thompson, 2002 ), it is necessary for the communication of higher
order mathematics reasoning (Sloyer, 2003 ). Goals requiring the use of
236 P. J. Riccomini et al.
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higher order mathematics reasoning are unmistakably present in national
mathematics organizations such as the National Research Council and
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and in the CCSSM. In order
to meet these goals, students must effortlessly use, understand, and apply
mathematical words, symbols, and diagrams routinely during mathematics
activities. If students' language development is weak or underdeveloped,
their overall mathematics learning will become slowed (van der Walt,
Maree, & Ellis, 2008 ). Schwartz and Kenney (1995 ) organized the lan-
guage of mathematics into more commonly utilized language terms; for
example, mathematical nouns or objects were classified as numbers, mea-
surements, and functions, whereas verbs were actions associated with
problem solving and reasoning. This organizational framework not only
represents the process that individuals go through when they problem
solve but also provides a way to assess mathematical development
(Kenney, 2005 ).
In an effort to improve students' overall mathematical performance,
educators need to recognize the importance of, and use research-validated
instructional methods to teach, important mathematical vocabulary. The
purpose of article is to provide teachers with an overall understanding of
the impact of mathematical vocabulary on proficiency and specific
evidence-based instructional strategies to promote the learning of essential
vocabulary in mathematics.
There are many challenges for students in their learning of the language
of mathematics. Communicating mathematically is a complex task for
even the most mathematically advanced student. The ability to effectively
communicate (expressively and receptively) through the language of
mathematics requires mathematical understanding; a robust vocabulary
knowledge base; flexibility; fluency and proficiency with numbers, sym-
bols, words, and diagrams; and comprehension skills. Many students
strugglewithsomeoralloftheimp ortant mathematical concepts,
especially students with learning disabilities (Morin & Franks, 2010 ).
Every day in their mathematics classrooms, students encounter a
text-centered instructional setting that creates unintended barriers to their
learning (Anderson-Inman & Horney, 1998 ). It is important to recognize
the many and varied difficulties that present challenges for students; find-
ing instructional strategies and activities to help students overcome these
difficulties is imperative.
According to the research of Rubenstein and Thompson (2002 ), there
are at least 11 categories of difficulties associated with learning the language
Mathematical Vocabulary 237
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of mathematics. The categories are defined in the following manner:
(a) meanings are context dependent (e.g., foot as in 12 inches vs. the foot
of the bed), (b) mathematical meanings are more precise (e.g., product as
the solution to a multiplication problem vs. the product of a company),
(c) terms specific to mathematical contexts (e.g., polygon, parallelogram,
imaginary number), (d) multiple meanings (e.g., side of a triangle vs. side
of a cube), (e) discipline-specific technical meanings (e.g., cone as in the
shape vs. cone as in what one eats), (f) homonyms with everyday words
(e.g., pi vs. pie ), (g) related but different words (e.g., circumference vs. per-
imeter), (h) specific challenges with translated words (e.g., mesa vs. table),
(i) irregularities in spelling (e.g., obelus [ ] vs. obeli ), (j) concepts may be
verbalized in more than one way (e.g., 15 minutes past vs. quarter after),
and (k) students and teachers adopt informal terms instead of mathematical
terms (e.g., diamond vs. rhombus, orin the house vs. in the division
bracket). Undoubtedly, the many difficulties that students face when learn-
ing the language of mathematics are complex and can negatively impact
their language development.
An important first step in helping students to learn and use the language
of mathematics is for teachers to understand the many difficulties that
vocabulary presents students (Monroe & Orme, 2002 ). It is only with this rec-
ognition and understanding of the specific difficulties that teachers can then
begin to address the instructional needs of their students from a language
perspective. Effectively designing and delivering vocabulary instruction is a
needed course of action. Although a common belief with many teachers is
that simply exposing students to new vocabulary words through rich
context-specific interactions is the best way to teach vocabulary, many stu-
dents will require more systematic and explicit instructional techniques
and purposeful instructional activities to facilitate their learning (Marzano,
Providing appropriate academic language support is important for all
learners, especially in the mathematics classroom, where the ongoing devel-
opment of explicit mathematical vocabulary is essential (Bay-Williams &
Livers, 2009 ). There are three main purposes to teaching essential vocabulary
in mathematics class to increase students' effective use of mathematical lan-
guage. First and most obvious is to provide initial instruction to promote the
understanding and storage of word meanings in long-term memory. Second,
and only after students have developed an understanding, the goal of instruc-
tion becomes to help students become fluent and maintain the word mean-
ing over time. Third, the end result of achieving the first two goals is that
students are able to easily and accurately use the language of mathematics
to explain and justify mathematical concepts and relationships. Without the
instructor first teaching basic understanding and facilitating fluency with
vocabulary words, the purposeful and effective use of the language of
mathematics will likely not occur.
238 P. J. Riccomini et al.
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One would assume that mathematical vocabulary is taught at some level
during mathematics classes; however, language development is often over-
looked by math teachers (Adams, 2003 ; Riccomini & Witzel, 2010 ). It is
important that teachers apply general vocabulary instructional techniques
to mathematical vocabulary on a regular basis. Developing and then using
a systematic plan for teaching vocabulary throughout the year will maximize
and facilitate improved understanding of essential vocabulary for students
(Manzo, Manzo, & Thomas, 2006).
Marzano's (2004) six steps for educators to maximize student learning of
essential vocabulary incorporates components of the following evidence-
based instructional strategies that aid in achieving positive academic out-
comes across content areas: (a) explicit instruction (Bottge, Heinrichs, Mehta,
& Hung, 2002 ; Test & Ellis, 2005 ), (b) stimulating prior knowledge (Stroud &
Schwartz, 2010 ; Yeh et al., 2012 ), (c) repetition (Joseph, Eveleigh, Konrad,
Neef, & Volpe, 2012 ; Kluge, Ritzman, Burkolter, & Sauer, 2011 ), (d) differen-
tiating instruction (Geisler, Hessler, Gardner, & Lovelace, 2009 ; Jones, Yssel,
& Grant, 2012), and (e) cooperative learning (Ryve, Nilsson, & Patterson,
2013; Wang, 2012). Although his recommendations cut across content areas,
they form the basis for the specific strategies and techniques that are
described. First, teachers should begin vocabulary instruction by providing
students with an informal description, explanation, or example of the new
term or phrase either directly or through indirect means. This will help stu-
dents begin the process of connecting the new meaning to their prior knowl-
edge. Second, it is important to provide students with opportunities to restate
the teacher-provided descriptions, explanation, or examples in their own
words. This opportunity reinforces the connections to their prior knowledge.
Third, to help strengthen the linkage to prior knowledge, students are asked
to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representation of the term or
phrase. This is especially important for younger children who have less prior
knowledge specific to mathematics.
Fourth, as students become more familiar and comfortable with the
language (i.e., learning and using the terms), it is vital for teachers to provide
students with periodic opportunities to reengage in a variety of activities to
help them further develop and enrich their knowledge. Students often only
develop surface-level understanding of the material, and without opportu-
nities for further engagement students will not gain the desired deep under-
standing necessary for mathematical reasoning and communication. Fifth,
involving small-group and= or peer-to-peer discussions on specific terms
further develops a deeper understanding and reduces misconceptions that
may have formed. Sixth, to facilitate long-term retention, teachers must
Mathematical Vocabulary 239
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provide opportunities for the students to revisit these essential and
already-learned terms through such things as game-like activities that
students will find enjoyable (see Figure 1).
By grounding their vocabulary instruction in Marzano's six steps, tea-
chers are likely to see an improvement in mathematics language develop.
These six steps articulated are neither new nor innovative but frequently
get pushed to the side during mathematics instruction for a host of reasons
(e.g., time constraints, not valued, lack of teacher training). Learning math-
ematical vocabulary through daily mathematics instruction that emphasizes
the six general recommendations is important and essential for many stu-
dents, especially struggling students and students with disabilities. Because
mathematics naturally progresses from less complex to more complex skills,
mastery of vocabulary is essential for long-term success in mathematics
(Monroe & Panchyshyn, 2005 ); hence, the use of specific instructional strate-
gies supported by research is necessary.
When students with poor language skills struggle with learning important
mathematical vocabulary terms, educators should consider using strategies
specifically developed for learning content vocabulary. Although there are
many methods of facilitating the learning of vocabulary, five specific techni-
ques for helping students learn and remember essential mathematical
FIGURE 1 Concept map based on six recommendations by Marzano (2004 ) for effective
vocabulary instruction.
240 P. J. Riccomini et al.
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vocabulary are described in this article: (a) explicit vocabulary instruction,
(b) mnemonic strategies, (c) fluency building through multiple exposures,
(d) game-like activities, and (e) technology applications.
Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
Educators recognize that children may naturally learn vocabulary through
incidental or embedded learning experiences; however, for many students
these types of mathematics learning encounters are not sufficient. Instead
of simply exposing students to mathematics vocabulary, it is necessary to
directly teach vocabulary (sometimes in isolation) and provide opportunities
for numerous and meaningful practices across contexts. The language of
mathematics consists not only of words and text but also of symbols and
diagrams; explicit instruction can help build the connections between these
elements of mathematics language (Van de Walle, 2001).
Explicit articulation of vocabulary terms, definitions, and uses takes the
guesswork out of making meaning of unfamiliar terms and focuses the stu-
dents' learning on correct use and application. Research suggests that explicit
instruction of new vocabulary with opportunities for use through incidental
learning is more effective than incidental learning in isolation (Sonbul &
Schmitt, 2010 ) and across ages and grade levels (Taylor, Mraz, Nichols,
Rickelman, & Wood, 2009). Explicit instruction is an established, highly effec-
tive instructional approach that can be used independently or in conjunction
with other teaching strategies and techniques (Archer & Hughes, 2011).
Explicit vocabulary instruction requires teachers to introduce and teach a
new word and its meaning through a systematic and purposeful presentation.
This direct presentation highlights the importance of the new word, connects
to prior knowledge, and allows students to engage with the multiple uses of
the word (Lee & Jung, 2004 ). Common elements of explicit instruction
include logically sequencing key skills, reviewing prior skills and knowledge,
providing step-by-step teacher models of new skills along with opportunities
for guided and independent practice, and assisting students with connections
between new and existing knowledge (Archer & Hughes, 2011 ). There is a
strong literature base supporting explicit instruction for teaching vocabulary
in content areas such as reading, science, and social studies (e.g., Harmon,
Hedrick, & Wood, 2005 ; Hong & Diamond, 2012 ; Jitendra, Edwards, Sacks,
& Jacobson, 2004 ; McKeown & Beck, 2002 ; Stahl & Fairbanks, 1986 ; White,
Graves, & Slater, 1990).
Concurrent with instruction, the teacher is checking for student under-
standing and encouraging active learning through frequent questioning and
guided activities to promote student independence. After explicit instruction
in new vocabulary terms, students could also (a) create concept maps;
(b) keep individual math dictionaries of terms, illustrations, and examples;
and (c) develop word walls with new terminology (Van de Walle, 2001 ). This
Mathematical Vocabulary 241
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type of instruction is neither incidental nor accidental; the teacher plans and
carefully directs all aspects of the lesson.
Mnemonic Strategies
Mnemonic instruction refers to strategies and techniques used to improve
learning in memorable and motivating formats. Mnemonic strategies help
students learn new information by connecting it to their prior knowledge
(Mastropieri & Scruggs, 2007 ). Mnemonic instructional practices have 30
years of research support including a diverse set of learners and across mul-
tiple content areas supporting their use as an evidence-based technique
(Forness, Kavale, Blum, & Lloyd, 1997 ; Jitendra et al., 2004 ; Mastropieri &
Scruggs, 1989 ). In addition to enhancing the academic performance of
low-performing, as well as average- and above-average-achieving, students,
mnemonic instruction benefits students with disabilities (Kavale & Forness,
One specific mnemonic instructional practice, the keyword strategy, has
the greatest application to teaching mathematical vocabulary. Overwhelm-
ingly positive evidence exists for the use of the keyword mnemonic tech-
nique to teach content vocabulary to students with disabilities (e.g.,
Mastropieri, Scruggs, & Fulk, 1990 ; Scruggs & Mastropieri, 2000 ). Unfortu-
nately, few mathematics-specific examples of the keyword mnemonic
strategies are available (see Sanders, 2007).
Educators using the keyword strategy teach students meanings of new
vocabulary terms by selecting a similar-sounding word and a picture, draw-
ing, or computer graphic that represents the essential information to learn
(Atkinson, 1975 ; Kavale & Forness, 1999 ; Mastropieri & Scruggs, 2007 ). By
providing students with a tool to anchor a new term with a similar-sounding
word already known by the student, teachers enable students to better recall
the meaning of the new term. Further strengthening the effectiveness of the
keyword strategy is the use of a picture representation that highlights the
critical attributes of the new term. Either this illustration can be created by
the student, or to save time the teacher can create the illustration. The last
part of the keyword technique is to create a sentence that connects the
keyword and the desired definition. This is a powerful memory-aiding device
to help students learn and remember essential mathematical vocabulary.
The example keyword mnemonics for the terms parallel lines and ray
highlight the three critical aspects for teachers using this strategy (see
Figures 2 and 3 ). First, the unfamiliar terms are anchored to a familiar
keyword: Parallel lines is anchored to pair of elves, and ray is anchored to
run away. Second, a visual image is created that accentuates the key features
of the new term and captures the keyword. In the examples provided, the
visual images clearly depict the key features of the definitions and the
keywords. Third, a sentence is developed to connect the information in a
242 P. J. Riccomini et al.
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meaningful and memorable fashion. For parallel line: '' The pair of elves are
the same distance apart and will never intersect. The pair of elves are on
parallel lines.'' For ray: ''Start here!!! Run away and never stop running ray!''
The key to maximizing the effectiveness of the keyword mnemonic is to
incorporate the developed keywords mnemonics into the regular classroom
instructional routine. Simply presenting students with a keyword mnemonic
will not likely result in the desired learning and remembering on the part of
the students. Combining the keyword mnemonic strategy with other instruc-
tional activities typical in mathematics classes can maximize its effectiveness.
The keyword mnemonic strategy is easily incorporated into bulletin
boards, warm-ups, game activities, SmartBoard presentations, teacher-
directed or student-centered instructional time, and even peer tutoring. Com-
bining the keyword mnemonic strategy with other instructional activities
typical in mathematics classes can maximize its effectiveness.
Fluency Building Through Multiple Exposures
Fluency in mathematics is often associated with basic arithmetic facts (e.g.,
55¼ 25) and other computational-type problems (e.g., long division, per-
fect squares), at times overshadowing the vital role of vocabulary recognition
and understanding. The National Reading Panel (National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development, 2000 ) highlighted the importance of
repeated and multiple exposures to new vocabulary to build fluency. Being
fluent with mathematics vocabulary may allow learners to more readily
recognize what is required to solve a problem, therefore having more cogni-
tive energy to dedicate to more laborious tasks, such as calculating solutions
that require multiple steps. As with explicit instruction, fluency is achieved
through planned, purposeful, and targeted practice of specific content.
FIGURE 2 Example keyword mnemonics for the term parallel lines.
Mathematical Vocabulary 243
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Traditional ways to practice fluency include the use of flashcards, in
which one side of an index card has the vocabulary term and the other has
the definition and a visual. The creation of the cards also acts as a rehearsal
activity and can help with learning and remembering vocabulary or can be
paired with other activities to teach sight words (Kaufman, McLaughlin, Derby,
& Waco, 2011 ). Students can rehearse the vocabulary and practice recalling the
word or definition. Because the cards contain both the word and the
definition, students receive immediate feedback, which has been linked to
improved learning (Epstein et al., 2002). Previously mastered vocabulary
can be set aside, thus maximizing time spent on learning new material.
Flashcards can be used independently (e.g., in reciting) or with a peer or
parent. They can be used at home, at school, or in other settings and integrated
with other practices (e.g., games, metacognitive strategies). Strengths to using
cards include their ease of use and the opportunity for students to practice
through repetitive exposures of the vocabulary word; however, this type of
practice isolates the word from the context in which it is used.
A variation of the traditional approach was described by Taylor and
colleagues (2009 ), in which one side of the index card is divided into quad-
rants; the new vocabulary word is listed in the top right quadrant with the
definition in the bottom right quadrant. The left two quadrants are used to
draw a picture supporting the definition of the word. On the back of the
index card, the students describe the relationship between the picture and
the new term. This approach, like traditional flashcards, is easy to create
and use; but unlike traditional flashcards, this approach includes an example
of how the vocabulary word is used in context and incorporates elements
highlighted by Marzano (2004).
Although some vocabulary-building activities require dedicated allot-
ments of time, building fluency through multiple exposures to vocabulary
FIGURE 3 Example keyword mnemonic for the term ray.
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can often be accomplished through frequent but brief 5- to 10-min activities
(Stump et al., 1992 ). This versatility allows teachers to incorporate
fluency-building activities during brief opportunities of time (e.g., transitions
between exchanging classes, at the end of a lesson, while passing out class-
room materials) and maximize instructional time. An engaging activity might
include passing out mathematics vocabulary cards so that each student has
one card. Students then circulate around the classroom to form clusters of
related words (students form clusters based on how the words are related).
Once the clusters are formed, the teacher can then lead a discussion about
how certain terms may fit into more than one category. Another idea is to
have students play vocabulary line frog while waiting in line for specials
or lunch. The person at the end of the line has an opportunity to jump to
the front of the line (or second place, if there is a designated line leader) if
the student provides a correct definition or uses the term correctly in context.
To increase opportunities to respond, this can be done as a lightning round
that the teacher leads at a rapid pace.
Game-Like Activities
Teachers should use a variety of different techniques when teaching
vocabulary, which may include game-like activities (Covington, 1992 ;
Johnson, von Hoff Johnson, & Schlichting, 2004 ). Educational games are
ideal for engaging students in motivating activities (Charlton, Williams, &
McLaughlin, 2005). Games may be used to improve sight recognition
(Berne & Blachowicz, 2008 ) or to improve and maintain understanding
of essential vocabulary (Wells & Narkon, 2011). In addition, using
game-like activities is an excellent way to make learning mathematical
vocabulary fun and more appealing to students.
In general, teachers have established game activities designed to serve
various learning objectives in their classrooms. A common game format used
by many teachers is based on the popular television program Jeopardy! This
game format is used in many classrooms, not just mathematics classrooms,
because of its easy-to-learn format and applicability across many different
content areas. Because the game is organized into categories (e.g., Geometry,
Algebra), it is simple to add an additional category devoted exclusively to
vocabulary. There are templates available online to aid in creating and cus-
tomizing this type of quiz game (e.g.,
Wells and Narkon (2011) explained three games (i.e., Mystery Word,
Word-O, and Word Sorts) that can be used to motivate student learning. In
Mystery Word, a vocabulary word is selected from a list, and the leader
provides clues about the mystery word until the class is able to surmise what
the word is. Word-O is an adapted form of Bingo, and Word Sorts allows
students to work with a list of words to compare and contrast words in an
Mathematical Vocabulary 245
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effort to form categories of words (see Wells & Narkon, 2011). More chal-
lenging rounds may include words that are not overtly similar.
Using game-like activities throughout the course of the academic year
affords students opportunities to attend to continued vocabulary develop-
ment in mathematics in a fun, recreational manner. The playful learning
opportunities may be both interesting and motivational for students
(Charlton et al., 2005; Wells & Narkon, 2011).
Technology Applications
Students with disabilities often struggle with mathematics content in mid-
dle school and high school. They are faced with a text-centered world and
often lack the skills to read and write at sufficient levels to meet the chal-
lenges of secondary education (Anderson-Inman & Horney, 1998 ). How-
ever, teachers can use various instructional techniques and strategies to
help their students overcome many of the barriers to learning the language
of mathematics. Furthermore, technology applications may become an
effective aid for students in the future. As Anderson-Inman and Horney
(1998 ) stated, ''Computer-based solutions represent the future in educa-
tors' effort to help students with learning disabilities achieve in school
up to their potential'' (p. 248).
Instructional technology can enhance and support mathematics
instruction by offering teachers and their students visual and auditory stim-
uli and interactive simulations that make mathematics real for students (e.g.,
demonstrating how data collection can be utilized to find solutions to
everyday problems). Although very few studies have specifically addressed
vocabulary development with instructional technology, there is evidence
that suggests that improved learning outcomes are possible (Hebert &
Murdock, 1994 ;Koury,1996 ). Instructional technology can include a range
of applications, such as apps, streaming audio and video, software
programs, computer simulations, video and audio demonstrations, and
graphics programs (e.g., graphing calculators). The Internet now allows
ingful problems and provide visual representations not easily created or
accessible in past mathematics classrooms. Students can learn through
interactive computer games that can be highly motivating and challenge
students at their optimal learning levels (Gee, 2004). As the technology con-
tinues to improve in both access and learner effectiveness, instructional
technology has great potential to be a powerful teaching tool for educators
and learning aid for students.
Empirical research supports the use of instructional technology (e.g.,
calculators, graphing calculators, video discs, software applications) by
educators in the areas of basic facts as well as problem solving, telling time,
ratios and proportions, fractions, and decimals (e.g., Bouck, 2010 ; Cawthon,
246 P. J. Riccomini et al.
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Beretvas, Kaye, & Lockhart, 2012 ; Hofmeister, 1989 ); however, a minimal
amount of empirical research is available regarding the efficacy of instruc-
tional technology for teaching vocabulary specific to mathematics for
low-achieving students. It is logical that technology applications can and
should be developed and applied to enhance instruction of essential vocabu-
lary in mathematics.
Learning technical mathematical vocabulary may require much more
than the status quo for mathematics instruction. With ever-increasing
advancements in instructional technology, the possibility of significantly
impacting the overall mathematical performance of low-achieving students
and students with disabilities through the application of technological
advances is substantial. Unfortunately, very few researchers have examined
the effectiveness of using instructional technological applications to teach
mathematical vocabulary specifically, an obvious gap in the knowledge base
on evidence-based vocabulary instruction. This is an area that should be
explored and further developed.
Although the need for vocabulary instruction in mathematics is great, there is
limited published research that focuses specifically on interventions for
developing vocabulary in mathematics. Therefore, scholars are tapping into
the rich vocabulary research available through literacy research and extend-
ing it across content areas such as mathematics, as seen in the framework
described by Marzano (2004 ). Building content-specific vocabulary research
from literacy research, as sometimes done here, is a natural extension;
however, there are some limitations within this bridge, including the way
mathematics vocabulary is often presented with limited context clues (e.g.,
''Find the slope '') and the 11 caveats described by Rubenstein and Thompson
(2002 ). Research is needed to identify and analyze instruction with particular
attention to these characteristics that distinguish mathematics vocabulary
from other expressions of vocabulary. Equally important to how mathematics
vocabulary is taught is the question of when mathematics vocabulary should
be taught and how it should be assessed. Mathematics is a content area that
builds from prerequisite skills to more advanced skills, calling teachers' atten-
tion to when students should be expected to master vocabulary and how to
distinguish between limited skills and limited vocabulary, and thereby access
to the skills, when the two are intertwined.
Given the limited availability of intervention research specific to math-
ematics vocabulary, generalization of these suggestions should be made with
caution. Like all classroom instruction, instructional decisions should be
made based on data supporting students' response to instruction. Therefore,
teachers should collect data on the effectiveness of mathematics vocabulary
Mathematical Vocabulary 247
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interventions being implemented and make continued educational decisions
based on those data.
Given the large number of terms encountered throughout the course of a
year and the varying ability and readiness of students to learn new
vocabulary, teachers must judiciously select words to teach and help stu-
dents not only to learn the new terms as they are encountered but also to
continue to remember previously learned terms from year to year.
Although using and encountering terms in naturalistic contexts facilitates
vocabulary development, for many students, especially struggling stu-
dents, this development may be fragmented and disjointed; therefore,
the consistent and purposeful use of vocabulary building can greatly assist
students. Although there is not one right way to build vocabulary skills, a
theme that ran through all supports described is clear: purposeful word
instruction with multiple opportunities for students to respond and prac-
tice vocabulary in multiple contexts. From explicitly introducing a vocabu-
lary word to playing a word game while waiting in line to go to lunch, the
instruction should be methodically planned and executed with purpose
and precision. Capitalizing on instructional time and providing multiple
opportunities for students to successfully learn, use, and practice new
and critical vocabulary is important.
As the language of mathematics continues to become an emphasis in the
development of mathematical proficiency, there is no question about the
importance of spending instructional time to teach mathematics vocabu-
lary. van der Walt (2009 ) emphasized that vocabulary within the language
of mathematics is an aspect of instruction that requires specific attention.
While vocabulary continues to emerge as an essential aspect of language
development in mathematics, resources supporting mathematics vocabu-
lary need to become more prevalent in mathematics literacy. This article
has presented an overview of the impact of mathematical vocabulary on
proficiency and evidence-supported instructional strategies for incorporat-
ing mathematics vocabulary instruction into classroom learning. Rich
development and understanding of mathematics vocabulary is essential
for students to become actively engaged in mathematics past mundane
computational requirements to thorough understanding and meaning
making. Educators have the responsibility to provide students with instruc-
tion that best supports learning, academic success, and lifelong success.
The strategies and techniques described in this article can help teachers
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... Learning of the language of mathematics is part of learning mathematics [1,2]. The language of mathematics may be considered a precise, global language with no ambiguities. ...
... Sometimes words are omitted, phrases are shortened, and gestures and pronouns are used instead of the mathematical terms. Teachers try to help students understand the new mathematical concepts and move from informal, everyday language to formal language of mathematics [1,2]. ...
... Mathematics is considered as a global language, which students must master to be able to understand the concepts and communicate their ideas fluently. Mathematics language consists of words, numbers, symbols, and diagrams and is the key to access mathematical concepts [1]. In mathematics education, it involves the ability to use words to explain concepts, justify procedures and communicate mathematically [1]. ...
Language is an essential aspect of teaching and learning mathematics. It is necessary for communicating, transmission of concepts and ideas, and formation of meaning of mathematical concepts. In mathematics, besides symbols, which are usually common in different languages, words and expressions are used, which may invoke different concept images to students in various languages. Some words are used in mathematics and in everyday language with different meanings, while others are used only in mathematics or in mathematics and other disciplines in similar but non-identical ways. In Mathematical Analysis, the used vocabulary is gradually enhanced, and the concepts are defined in a more formal way. In the current study, the language used regarding mathematics of change is examined, focusing on rate of change and in relation to misconceptions of students.
... These results further highlight the importance of general language skills in mathematical learning for second-language learners. For firstlanguage learners, the present results are consistent with other research showing that students develop differentiated mathematical vocabulary which is related to mathematical proficiency (e.g., Kung et al., 2019;Powell et al., 2017;Purpura et al., 2017;Riccomini et al., 2015). For second-language learners, the present findings suggest that students' proficiency in the language of instruction is critical in the early grades, presumably until students have developed more skill in both the instructional language and in mathematics. ...
... language. Individual differences in mathematical vocabulary skills may be more closely tied to school experiences than are general vocabulary skills (Riccomini et al., 2015). ...
Language skills play an important role in mathematics development. Students (7 to 10 years of age) learning school mathematics either in the same language used at home (first-language learners; n = 103) or in a different language (second-language learners; n = 57) participated in the study. Relations among cognitive skills (i.e., receptive vocabulary, working memory, quantitative skills), domain-specific language skills (i.e., mathematical vocabulary, mathematical orthography), word-problem solving, arithmetic fluency, and word reading were investigated. Second-language learners had lower scores on measures with strong language components (i.e., receptive vocabulary, subitizing, and word-problem solving) than first-language learners, whereas they performed equally well on other tasks. Mathematical vocabulary and receptive vocabulary contributed to word-problem solving success for first-language learners, whereas only receptive vocabulary in the language of instruction related to mathematical outcomes for second-language learners. Mathematical vocabulary was related to arithmetic fluency for both groups, but mathematical orthography was not. For both groups, students' word reading was predicted by receptive vocabulary but not by quantitative skills, highlighting the domain-specific nature of these skills. These findings have implications for supporting mathematical learning in second-language students.
... Furthermore, endowing mathematical meaning to parts of a shape is linked to the development of mathematical language [31][32][33][34]. Language development starts from what Gee [31] called primary discourse, mathematical language informally used in the family and social contexts whereas the language linked to a secondary discourse is used in formal practices in institutions such as schools. ...
... Introducing standardized geometry words during the instruction helped the students' speech to evolve from primary speech to secondary speech [31]. In this way, we can consider that the use of standardized geometry terminology is linked to the development of forms of reasoning about figure attributes [32][33][34]. ...
This paper reports sophistication levels in third grade children's understanding of polygon concept and polygon classes. We consider how children endow mathematical meaning to parts of figures and reason to identify relationships between polygons. We describe four levels of sophistication in children's thinking as they consider a figure as an example of a polygon class through spatial structuring (the mental operation of building an organization for a set of figures). These levels are: (i) partial structuring of polygon concept; (ii) global structuring of polygon concept; (iii) partial structuring of polygon classes; and (iv) global structuring of polygon classes. These levels detail how cognitive apprehensions, dimensional deconstruction, and the use of mathematical language intervene in the mental process of spatial structuring in the understanding of the classes of polygons.
... Trotzdem hat sich in der Allgemeinen Didaktik, insbesondere aufgrund der empirischen Lehr-Lernforschung im Mathematikunterricht (u. a. Kunter, Baumert, Blum, Klusmann, Krauss & Neubrand, 2011), die einheitliche Meinung durchgesetzt, dass Lernprozesse mit einer kognitiv aktivierenden Aufgabenkultur und intelligentes Üben besonders effektiv sind (Riccomini, Smith, Hughes & Fries, 2015). Völlig andere Ansprüche an den Fachunterricht hinsichtlich der Skala adaptives Üben von Regelhaftem benennen die Expertinnen und Experten der gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Unterrichtsfächer, in deren Mitte der Biologieunterricht auftaucht. ...
Was ist das Transversale von qualitätsvollem Fachunterricht in unterschiedlichen Schulfächern? Finden sich unterschiedliche oder gemeinsame Merkmale (Basisdimensionen) für die Lernwirksamkeit in den untersuchten Fächern? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen wurden Interviewartikel von rund 300 Fachdidaktikerinnen und Fachdidaktikern bzw. Lehrpersonen aus 17 Schulfächern beigezogen, die in der vorliegenden Buchreihe „Unterrichtsqualität: Perspektiven von Expertinnen und Experten" erschienen sind. Die Texte wurden mittels eines lexikometrischen Verfahrens ausgewertet; es wurde eine Frequenzanalyse durchgeführt und mit einer explorativen Faktorenanalyse nach einer korrelativen Struktur gesucht, um abschließend hierarchische Cluster der Fächer im Hinblick auf ausgewählte Merkmale wirksamen Fachunterrichts zu erstellen. Es zeigt sich, dass den untersuchten Basisdimensionen lernwirksamen Unterrichts je nach Schulfach unterschiedliche Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Ergebnisse empirischer Studien, denen häufig nur ein Unterrichtsfach zu Grunde liegt, können deshalb möglicherweise nur mit Vorsicht verallgemeinert werden. Dieses Ergebnis wird als Hinweis gedeutet, dass der Ansatz einer Metawissenschaft Allgemeine Fachdidaktik vertieft werden sollte.
... (Teacher 4) The teachers indicated the importance of clarifying the mathematical vocabulary since it carries meaning in the given problems. According to Teacher 1, these mathematical key terms are important to teach (Riccomini, Smith, Hughes & Fries, 2015) and to clarify because they carry meaning and directive in terms of what should be solved. As for Teacher 4, clarification of these terms is important especially when it is linked to application of such similar terms in other 'subjects' as opposed to their application in mathematics in order to draw a clear distinction (Owens, 2006;Widdows, 2003). ...
Flexible teaching of mathematics word problems is essential to improve learning. Flexible teaching is vital in terms of providing meaningful learning, creating inclusive learning spaces and making content accessible. As such, teachers need to strive to provide flexible teaching of mathematics word problems in order to optimise and maximise learning. In line with this notion, therefore, the qualitative case study reported in this article aimed to explore the implementation of one aspect of universal design for learning (UDL), namely multiple means of representation (MMR), to guide flexible teaching of mathematics word problems. Data were collected using focus group discussions, reflection and observation sessions in which five high school mathematics teachers and a Head of Department were involved. The teachers participated in a mini-workshop on the application of the UDL principles which was organised to introduce and induct them to the approach. The study showed that MMR can be used to help guide flexible teaching of mathematics word problems by providing varied options for comprehension: options for language, mathematical expressions and symbols, as well as options for perception. The findings of the study recommend the need for teachers to adapt their teaching by considering the application of the MMR principle to guide and promote flexible teaching of mathematics word problems.
Research rarely focuses on how deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students address mathematical ideas. Complexities involved in using sign language (SL) in mathematics classrooms include not just challenges, but opportunities that accompany mathematics learning in this gestural-somatic medium. The authors consider DHH students primarily as learners of mathematics, and their SL use as a special case of language in the mathematics classroom. More specifically, using SL in teaching and learning mathematics is explored within semiotic and embodiment perspectives to gain a better understanding of how using SL affects the development, conceptualization, and representation of mathematical meaning. The theoretical discussion employs examples from the authors' work and research on geometry, arithmetic, and fraction concepts with Deaf German and Austrian learners and experts. The examples inform the context of mathematics teaching and learning more generally by illuminating SL features that distinguish mathematics learning for DHH learners.
- Rheta N. Rubenstein
- Denisse R. Thompson
Imagine a teacher running her hands across her desk as she tells her students, "A plane is a perfectly flat surface." The students listen quietly, but one of them is thinking, "I thought a plane was something that flies."
Learn when and how teachers can use rich mathematical vocabulary to develop and maximize students' learning, particularly English Language Learners and struggling readers.
- B. Charlton
- R.L. Williams
- T.F. McLaughlin
This study evaluated the effects of educational games on the performance of eight elementary school students with learning disabilities. The effects of educational games were evaluated in a multiple baseline design across students. The results indicated that each student improved their performance on reading when educational games were in effect. These differences were also educationally significant. Practical considerations and implications of educational games for adoption in the classroom were discussed.
- D.W. Test
- M.F. Ellis
One of the hardest math skills for students to learn is fractions. This study used a multiple probe across participants to evaluate the effectiveness of a mnemonic strategy called LAP Fractions on six middle school students' ability to add and subtract fractions. Five of six participants were able to achieve mastery, and all six students maintained gains over a period of 6 weeks. Results are discussed in terms of implications for research and practice.
- Hea-Jin Lee
- Woo Sik Jung
The number of Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) learners in the United States is dramatically and steadily increasing every year. In 1993–1994, U.S. public schools enrolled more than 2.1 million LEP students, with more than 90 percent of them coming from non-English-speaking countries (McCandless, Rossi, and Daugherty 1996). A study by the National Center for Education Statistics estimates a current enrollment of 3.4 million LEP students in grades K–8 (Buck 2000). This change in student demographics and the importance of language proficiency in mathematics require increasing awareness of instructional practices.
Language Of Mathematics Pdf Download
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